Guided mushroom hunting brings the element of hands-on experience.  We can recommend a location for your class; but many of our students ask us to walk with them around their own yard or neighborhood paths, the areas they will visit most often throughout the seasons.  A lot depends on the rain, and just like with chartered fishing we can’t guarantee what we will find; but it is a class, and we teach the whole time regardless of what we are finding, so we recommend bringing a notebook.  And don’t worry—so far we have always found cool mushrooms on our guided walks!  Our mushroom guidebook will also be available for purchase at the event.  Walks can be scheduled any time from mid-May to mid-November.

Fee: $240 total, which covers up to 6 students.  If you invite more than 6 to attend, then add $20 for every extra person.  So for example, for 7 people the fee would be $260 total.  With some exceptions, twenty four people is generally the size limit for this outdoor class.  Walks can be scheduled any time from early May to mid-November.

To schedule one, contact us:  send an email to   or call (401)595-6143.

Private class Guided Walk Class gift certificates are available under the SHOP tab above; the recipient contacts us to schedule their own day and time.

Ponchos are good to have—drizzle or light rain shouldn’t stop us!  And the mushrooms love it.  A true rainstorm, of course, would force us to reschedule.  There is no penalty for cancelation; but obviously, please tell us as soon as possible if it turns out you have to cancel or reschedule your class for some reason.

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